Pillar 2 – Reduce your value chain emissions
Reduce your overall emissions
You can reduce your emissions by partnering with other organisations that have green initiatives. Take time to research potential suppliers to check their values match yours.
Green providers has a list of suppliers that have green credentials. This means they think it’s important to protect the environment.
When think of vendors or suppliers, seek out local options. When you work with an organisation that’s far away, you’ll be paying for transport costs. Finding nearby options will save you money and reduce your footprint. Your local Chamber of Commerce may be able to help.
Review your supply chain
A supply chain is only as strong as its weakest link. So, it’s important to look at the whole picture. Take Walmart’s ‘Project Gigaton’, for example. They aimed to reduce a gigaton of emissions from their supply chain by 2030. Between 2017 and 2021, they had already reduced over 500 million metric tons by working with suppliers. They focused on energy, waste, packaging, transport, and product design.
Work with your suppliers and vendors to reduce deliveries. Maybe you can group multiple orders together or arrange bulk deliveries? This will save everyone time and money and reduce your emissions.
Communicate your objectives
Make sure you are sending a clear message to your team. They should be seeking out environmentally sustainable partners.
Pillar 3 – Integrate sustainability into your strategy
Review your existing strategy
Before you move forward, you need to understand your current position. Reflect on your strategy and consider what you could improve. Sustainability should be at the forefront of your mind.
A sustainable strategy is important for growth and development. To see the financial return, improved reputation and positive impact, you need to plan any changes effectively.
Create sustainable products and services
The worldwide call to action on climate change might inspire you to create a new product or service that actively helps. Whether you’re starting from nothing or adapting your offer.
Embrace technology
Using technology can reduce an organisation’s emissions by up to 35%.
It can also help you to operate more efficiently. Technology like artificial intelligence (AI), advanced analytics, and Cloud services can help. You should also research things like process automation and tools to help you track and report your carbon use.
Make sure your business is compliant
Check your business compliance. You’ll find sector-specific guidance on the Government’s website.
When reviewing legislation, focus on identifying your key obligations. Typical concerns include the use of water, raw materials and energy. They also include pollution, carbon emissions and waste management. You can carry out your own risk assessment to identify areas of concern. Make sure you work with your regulator to make sure you work within their rules.