The benefit of accessing files from anywhere
Storing your files online brings you many benefits. It can also let you use your devices more quickly and easily than you could offline. Let’s take a closer look at some of those benefits.
Access your files on multiple devices
When you save your files online, you can easily switch between devices, without having to plug in a hard drive or USB. This is a great advantage if you want to use different devices to access all of your files.
Access your files on the move
When you can access files from multiple devices seamlessly, you can work flexibly and on the move. So, whether you’re on a friend’s laptop, your mobile on the train or your computer at home, you’ll have the files you need, wherever you are.
Work with others
If you want, you can even work with other people on a file at the same time. For example, you might have a list of family chores. Everyone in your family could have access to this file, so they can tick off chores or add to the list. You could also work on files with your friends or people you work with.
Instantly back-up files
We’ve discussed the importance of back-ups, but having a tool that can do all the hard work for you can be very handy. This software constantly saves and backs up your work. So you’re less likely to lose the files and things that matter to you.
Finding the right online storage provider
There are plenty of different companies offering ways to save your work online.
There’s no real right or wrong, just right or wrong for you. So, you need to explore the products online and make a choice that’s right for you.
Google has built this as an add-on to their products. So, you might use Google Chrome as your browser, Google as your search engine, and Google Gmail too. If this sounds like you, then buying online storage with Google might be the best approach. Google include a set amount of storage with any of their accounts.
Microsoft offers a similar approach with their document creating apps. Most of their subscriptions include some online storage too. So, if you’re going to use Microsoft apps to create documents anyway, it might make sense for you to use the storage they offer.
Other companies
There are plenty of other companies who offer their own services. These include phone providers like BT, and shopping or entertainment chains like Amazon. Others, like Dropbox, focus purely on online storage.
But most importantly, now you know what Cloud storage is, you can look for more information online. And when you see it being offered somewhere, you’ll know what it is and if you want it.
Keeping your information safe
When you’re deciding who to share data with, or which companies to use, think about the safety of your information. You should always stop, challenge, and protect.
This means you should stop what you’re doing. Take a moment to ask ask why the company needs the data they’re asking for. Make sure you are happy with how they’ll protect it.
Do you feel worried about passwords and keeping safe online? We suggest you take our lesson ‘Introduction to online safety’ next , if you haven’t already. You can find the link at the end of this lesson.